Friday, September 16, 2011


Anonymous said...

HOW FUCKING ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (They did that to me today on The Men Of Colt!!!! - 3 BARRED IMAGES. I could vomit!!!)

DeepBlue said...

Have your tried to repost the same images that were barred? If so, have they been also barred again the second time?

Maybe it has to do with some copyright info imbedded in the pic file itself that sets off some kind of censorship tool from Blogger.

Are you using the new interface on Blogger? If so, do you think it all started after you switched?

I did try the new interface but didn't like it, so I switched back! But since I don't post anything porn on my blog, I cannot know!

I'll try to get more on this cause i'm curious more than pissed off!
Have a great day,